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Menampilkan postingan dari Maret, 2015


Pengertian Kepariwisataan  Di dalam BAB I Ketentuan Umum UU no.10/2009 ditetapkan berbagai ketentuan yang terkait dengan kepariwisataan, di antaranya sebagai berikut. Wisata adalah kegiatan perjalanan yang dilakukan oleh seorang atau sekelompok orang dengan mengunjungi tempat tertentu untuk tujuan rekreasi, pengembangan pribadi, atau mempelajari keunikan daya tarik wisata yang dikunjungi dalam jangka waktu tertentu; Wisatawan adalah orang yang melakukan wisata; Pariwisata adalah berbagai macam kegiatan wisata dan didukung berbagai fasilitas serta layanan yang disediakan oleh masyarakat, pengusaha, Pemerintah, dan Pemerintah Daerah ; Kepariwisataan adalah keseluruhan kegiatan yang terkait dengan pariwisata dan bersifat multidimensi serta multidisiplin yang muncul sebagai wujud kebutuhan setiap orang dan negara serta interaksi antara wisatawan dan masyarakat setempat, sesama wisatawan, Pemerintah, Pemerintah Daerah dan pengusaha. Pengertian i

Summary of The Thirteen Problems by Agatha Christie

Chapter 2 “The Idol House of Astarte” And now, Dr Pender is going to tell them about his strange and tragic experience. It made a profound impression   him at the time, and to this day by a slight effort of memory he can feel again the awe and horror of that terrible moment when he saw a man stricken to death by apparently no mortal agency. His story has made all creepy. Joyce got up and switched off two lamps, leaving the room lit only by the flickering firelight. Dr Pender began his story in a gentle reminiscent voice. The place he is telling them about is situated on the borders of Dartmoor. It was very charming property, though it had been on the market without finding the purchaser for several years. The situations was perhaps a little bleak in winter, but the views were magnificent and there were certain curious and original features about the property itself. It was bought by a man called Haydon – Sir Richard Haydon. Dr Pender accepted with pleasure his invitati

Summary of The Thirteen Problems by Agatha Christie

Chapter 1 “The Tuesday Night Club” ‘Unsolved mysteries.’ Miss Marple wore a black brocade dress, very much pinched in round the waist. Mechlin lace was arrenged in a cascade down the front of the bodice. She was knitting something white and soft and fleecy. Her faded blue eyes, benignant and kindly, surveyed her nephew and her nephew’s guests with gentle pleasure. They rested first on Raymond himself, self-consciously debonair, then on Joyce Lempriere, the artist, with her close-cropped black head and queer hazel-green eyes, then on that well-groomed man of the world, Sir Henry Clithering. There were two other people in the room, Dr Pender, the elderly clergyman of the paris, and Mr Petherick, thesolicitor, a dried-up little man with eyeglasses which he looked over and not through. They formed a Club named The Tuesday Night Club. It is to meet every week, and each number in turn has to propound a problem. They have to unravel unsolved mystery. The facts are very