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Penerjemahan Berbantuan Komputer (Tugas 2 : Teknologi)

Menkominfo: Teknologi Dorong Inovasi dan Perluas Akses Pendidikan, Jakarta - Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika (Menkominfo), Rudiantara, menekankan pentingnya teknologi untuk mendorong beragam cara baru dalam menjalankan dan memperluas akses pendidikan.

Oleh karena itu, ia menyambut baik kehadiran aplikasi yang berisi konten pendidikan di Indonesia.
"Cara baru dalam menjalankan pendidikan adalah memanfaatkan teknologi. Berbicara tentang pendidikan, banyak sekali aplikasi yang menyediakan konten pendidikan, salah satunya adalah Ruangguru yang memberi cara baru dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar," kata Rudiantara beberapa waktu lalu, seperti dikutip dari situs web Kemkominfo, Minggu (18/3/2018).

Rudiantara menilai kemajuan sebuah negara akan sejalan dengan perkembangan Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM). Semakin maju negara, termasuk dari sisi teknologi, maka akan kian berkembang pula SDM di negara tersebut.

"Salah satu indikatornya adalah Global Human Capital Index dengan kuncinya adalah tingkat pendidikan," sambungnya.

Untuk membantu perkembangan teknologi dan aplikasi, kebutuhan akses internet merupakan faktor penting dan pemerintah sadar akan hal itu.

Oleh karena itu, pemerintah berharap bisa segera merampungkan proyek Palapa Ring, yang bertujuan menyediakan akses jaringan di wilayah yang tidak dibangun oleh operator telekomunikasi. "Targetnya pada 2019, semua kabupaten yang ada di Indonesia harus sudah punya akses backbone dari broadband. Setelah selesai membangun Palapa Ring, kemudian kita akan membangun untuk mempunyai satelit sendiri," jelas Rudiantara.

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Menkominfo: Technology Encourages Innovation and Expand Education Access, Jakarta - Minister of Communications and Information Technology (Menkominfo), Rudiantara, emphasized the importance of technology to encourage new ways to run and expand access to education.

Therefore, he welcomes the presence of applications containing educational content in Indonesia.
"A new way to run education is to utilize technology.Talking about education, a lot of applications that provide educational content, one of which is Ruangguru that gives a new way in teaching and learning activities," said Rudiantara some time ago, as quoted from Kemkominfo website on Sunday (3/18/2018).

Rudiantara assess the progress of a country will be in line with the development of Human Resources (HR). The more advanced the country, including from the side of technology, it will grow more human resources in the country.
"One of the indicators is Global Human Capital Index with the key is education level," he continued.
To foster the development of technology and applications, the need for internet access is an important factor and the government is aware of it.

Therefore, the government hopes to soon complete the Palapa Ring project, which aims to provide network access in areas not built by telecommunication operators."The target in 2019, all districts in Indonesia must have access backbone from broadband.After finish building Palapa Ring, then we will build to have their own satellite," said Rudiantara. 

Translated by the writer

Ministry of Communication and Informatics: Technology Encourages Innovation and Expand Education Access, Jakarta –  The  Minister of Communications and Informatics (Menkominfo), Rudiantara, emphasized the importance of technology to encourage new ways to run and expand educational access.

Therefore, he welcomed the presence of applications containing educational content in Indonesia. "A new way to run education is utilizing technology.Talking about education, a lot of applications that provide educational content, one of which is Ruangguru that gives a new way in teaching and learning activities," said Rudiantara some time ago, as quoted from Ministry of Communication and Informatics website on Sunday (3/18/2018).

Rudiantara assess the progress of a country will be in line with the development of Human Resources (HR). The more advanced the country, including from the side of technology, it will grow more human resources in the country.

"One of the indicators is Global Human Capital Index with the key is education level," he continued.
To assist the development of technology and applications, the need for internet access is an important factor and the government is aware of it.

Therefore, the government hopes that the Palapa Ring project can be completed soon, which aims to provide network access in areas not built by telecommunication operators. "The target in 2019, all districts in Indonesia must have backbone access from broadband. After finish building Palapa Ring, then we will build to have own satellite," said Rudiantara.

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