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Analyze an Advertisement of Thai Life Insurance "Silence of Love"

Thai Life Insurance

Thai Life Insurance is a company with a history of producing powerful advertisement. Thai Life insurance was first introduced in Thailand during the reign of King Rama the 5th by a foreign company which came to set up and operate as an agency office providing life insurance. The company offers life insurance, personal accident insurance and business all risks insurance. For some time now, it has released long-form commercials that tell dramatic stories, emphasizing virtue, family life, civic responsibility, and solidarity with those less fortunate.

The ads have touched people internationally, raising the company’s brand awareness considerably and garnering tens of millions of views on YouTube. The commercials have even been featured in some churches and used as a powerful resource for youth groups in particular.
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Silence of Love

The advertisement, from Ogilvy & Mather Bangkok, is one of a number of uplifting, tear-jerkers commercials to come out of southeast Asia in recent years. In fact, Ogilvy and Thai Life teamed up in 2011 on one of the genre’s most popular advertisement, “Silence of Love.”

That spot depicts a turbulent relationship between a schoolgirl and her deaf-mute father, whom the girl can’t seem to forgive for not being able to speak like the other girls’ fathers. But when the girl is rushed to the hospital in an emergency, the man’s actions speak louder than words.

A poignant new commercial for a Thai life insurance company has become an Internet sensation.

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Try to hold back the tears and watch the subtitled clip below.

When first time I saw this advertisement, I dont think if this is the advertisement of  Thai Life Insurance. Because I think this is a sad movie. But I was wrong. How about you? .  You have watched the advertisement of  Thai Life Insurance, so what do you think about the relationship between "Silence of Love" with Thai Life Insurance? Can you find the relationship between them?

Oke I will try to help you and give my opinion about that. In this advertisement we saw the words "Sometimes... there is no "best" dad." from those words we know that her father has died. We never know what will happen with us and the other people. So Thai Life Inscurance helps us to anticipate something can not be presumed happen such as death, loss, damage or pain. If the deaf-mute father have the life inscurance  when he lived, maybe today and future of the girl well and happy because were protected by the life inscurance especially  Thai Life Insurance. 


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