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Find the inappropriate word and correct it!

Name : Luluk Rahmawati NPM  : 16614166 Class : 4SA01 SOAL A (No.1) After John (A)  eaten dinner, he (B)  wrote   (C)  several letters and (D)  went to bed.                                               Answer: A The sentence is past perfect tense because it is relating two events which happen in the past, one action occurred before another or an action finishes before another action. And the  pattern is  Subject+had+V3. So the right sentence is : After John had eaten dinner, he wrote several letters and went to bed. SOAL B (No.6) She (A)  won’t  (B)  be going to the conference, and (C)  neither won’t   (D) her colleagues .              Answer: C When a clause with  neither  or  nor  is used after a negative clause, we invert the subject and the verb after  neither  and  nor ( C is wrong, "Neither won't"

Making Direct Sentences to be Indirect Sentences

Based on the previous article (see:, we have found 4 direct sentences. Then, we will change those sentences become Indirect sentences. Sentence 1 Direct : “We have created a new ecological process, the process of mega-rafting,” said Steven L. Chown, a professor of biology at Monash University in Australia, who was not involved in the report, but wrote a commentary that also appeared in Science. “The development of materials that can float for ages, and the rising levels of seas due to climate change, make the possibility of these events larger and larger.” Indirect : Steven L. Chown, a professor of biology at Monash University in Australia, who was not involved in the report, but wrote a commentary that also appeared in Science said that they had created a new ecological process, the process of mega-rafting and the development of materials that could have floated for ages, and the rising levels of

Direct Sentences in Article

After the Tsunami, Japan’s Sea Creatures Crossed an Ocean By  MARTIN FACKLER SEPT. 28, 2017 TOKYO — The towering tsunami that devastated Japan six years ago also unleashed a very different sort of threat onto the distant coastline of North America: a massive invasion of marine life from across the Pacific Ocean. Hundreds of species from the coastal waters of Japan — mostly invertebrates like mussels, sea anemones and crabs — were carried across the Pacific on huge amounts of floating debris generated by the disaster, according to a  study published  Thursday in Science. Less than a year and a half after the enormous earthquake and tsunami on March 11, 2011, left more than 18,000 dead or missing in Japan, the first pieces of wreckage began washing up on the shores of Canada and the United States. To the surprise of scientists, the debris was covered with sea creatures that had survived crossings that in some cases had taken years. The study’s authors say it is too early to


Today Raining cats and dogs  They fake a smile Keep the secret Cry in drops  Hope no one know I show my tears Tell the truth Bout what I feel Bout what I want It  can heal I think

Task 8 : Interviewing

List of 20 Questions That We Can Ask In an Interview 1. Telling about yourself .  Asking about you is a way to break the ice at an interview and make you feel more comfortable. It's also a way for the interviewer to determine if you're a good fit for the job.  2. What were your responsibilities? Know what's on your resume, so you can discuss what you did at the other jobs you've held. When you're describing your responsibilities, try to mention those that match the new job's requirements. 3. What did you like or dislike about your previous job?         What you liked and what you didn't like about your last job or the company you worked for is an indicator of how you might feel about this position if you were to be hired. 4. What were your starting and final levels of compensation?         Hiring Managers will want to learn how much you earned to see if you're a competitive candidate for the company from a salary persp

Corat-Coret Kata Cinta di Mekarsari

    A khir pekan dan libur panjang adalah waktu yang tepat untuk berlibur. Menghabiskan waktu bersama keluarga memang seru, tetapi alangkah lebih seru jika bisa berlibur sambil belajar. Kalau kata pepatah, sambil menyelam minum air. Di Kecamatan Cileungsi, Bogor terdapat wisata edukasi bernama Taman Buah Mekarsari yang bisa dijadikan destinasi wisata saat berlibur. Tempat wisata ini merupakan pusat pelestarian keanekaragamaan hayati buah-buahan tropika terbesar di Indonesia. Di Mekarsari, kita bisa melihat berbagai macam jenis buah mulai dari buah yang biasa ditemui hingga buah-buahan dengan bentuk yang unik dan juga langka, seperti melon kotak, melon berbentuk hati, gundulan (durian terunik di dunia karena tidak memiliki duri), nangkadak (nangka cempedak), sawo raksasa, salak merah, dan lain-lain.       Taman Buah Mekarsari memang tak lepas dari kata buah-buahan, bahkan mungkin pengunjung akan hafal dengan satu lagu tentang buah-buahan yang diputar berulang-ulang selama di sana.

Sastra Indonesia di Sastra Dunia

Ada satu hal yang menjadi kendala, yaitu bahasa. Ya, bahasa. Karena dari segi karya tentu sastrawan bangsa tak kalah hebatnya bila dibandingkan dengan sastrawan asing. Yang dibutuhkan adalah penerjemah yang mampu menerjemahkan karya sastra tersebut tanpa mengurangi nilai estetika dari sastra tersebut. Tampaknya itu sulit, dan membutuhkan waktu yang tak singkat. Karena pada nyatanya, setiap karya yang diterjemahkan akan berkurang 30% (rasa)nya. Bagi kalian yang ingin suka membaca, resepnya satu, "kepo". Bagi kalian yang ingin lancar menulis (puisi, novel, dll ya), tipsnya satu, "banyak-banyakin patah hati".  Eits, tips di atas bukan dari aku yang cuma bisa nulis caption di instagram yaa tapi dari Ka Adimas Immanuel, seorang penulis puisi dari Solo dalam Seminar Sastra Indonesia di UNJ.

Cerita Si Pendiam

Hey, siapa kau? Beraninya bilang aku jutek Padahal baru dua kali kita bertemu Hey, siapa kau? Beraninya menganggap diriku sombong Padahal belum genap sebulan kau mengenalku Salahkah jika aku terlahir dengan wajah seperti ini Salahkah jika aku terlahir sebagai pendiam Jika iya, siapa yang akan kau salahkan? Jika tak ada sapa dalam keramaian, Jika kata-kata tak membawa obrolan panjang, Jangan pernah menyalahkanku, Karena bukan itu mauku Kau tak tahu betapa dahsyatnya perdebatan ini Perdebatan antara hati, pikiran, dan lisan Hatiku ingin sekali menyapamu, Tapi lisan tak tahu apa yang harus diucapkan Lisan ingin sekali memancing obrolan panjang, Tapi pikiran membuat lisan terpaksa bungkam Ada banyak hal di pikiran yang siap diucapkan, Tapi ketakutan dalam hati lagi-lagi membuat diam

Task 7 : Application Letter and CV

A. Application Letter B. Curriculum Vitae

Task 6: Negotiation in Business Communication

Negotiation in Business Communication 1. What is negotiation?     Negotiation is a  dialogue   between two or more people or parties intended to reach a beneficial outcome over one or more issues where a conflict exists with respect to at least one of these issues.  It is aimed to resolve points of difference, to gain advantage for an individual or  collective , or to craft outcomes to satisfy various interests. It is often conducted by putting forward a position and making small concessions to achieve an agreement . 2. What are the negotiation styles? Explain      Five negotiation styles :                    1. Avoiding Primarily concerned with avoiding intra-personal conflict Is useful when the the stakes of a negotiated outcome are not worth the investment of time or the       potential for igniting conflict Characterized by sidestepping, postponing, and ignoring the issue or situation Effective when avoidance of the situaton or issue does not

Why listening such a big challenge for most people?

Listening such a big challenge for most people. But it's not me who prefer listening than talking. In meeting, the leader like to talk over and not listen a lot.  When having a communication, people are usually reluctant to listen carefully for many conditions, as follows : 1. It is not important When they feel that what other talking about is not important, they won't want to listen carefully. And sometimes, we have friends who love talking. Even they talking about everything, unimportant thing. They just keep looking at them for only honoring the speaker.  2. It is not interesting When people think that it's interesting, they will keep listening carefully. In other hand, people get bored and stop to listen because they think it is not interesting. 3. Lack of understanding about the topic People ignore others just because they are not able to catch what the speaker talking about. They don't understand about the topic which is delivered. They don&

How technology affects communication positively and negatively

Now people can't live without technology. We could interact with other people in distance by using technology. We got many information by technology. Eventhough it has the negative effects too. I depends on theirself. Everything in this life must have its positive and negative effect. It comes with pro and contra. Technology does. In communication, technology has important effect on it either positive or negative. Technology has effected communication positively. They are: 1. Keeping people have communication in distance 2. Finding new friend easily makes them get new informations. They could exchange informations about their country, experience, hobby, etc. by communicating used technology. Technology has also effected communication negatively: 1. By technology, we not only communicate verbally but also non verbal like sending message. Sometimes we got some miscommunication. People have misunderstanding about we exactly mean. It is just because we don't know how the pr

Invitation for New Logo Discussing Letter

AWNLY BEAUTY Jl. Dewata 3 Telp/Fax : (021) 888768/876769 Website : E-mail : Jakarta Selatan April 25th, 2017 To         : All staffs Subject : Invitation for New Logo Discussing Through this letter, I want you to know, because of some conditions we have to change the current company logo. By knowing this, you are asked to make your own design for new company logo. There is no specification for it. Therefore, you are free to make what you think good.  You are also invited to have discu ssion about our new logo company on Tuesday, May 2, 2017 at Awnly Beauty Meeting Room. It is in order to decide whose logo that will be our new company logo. I hope you will attend punctually and do not forget to bring your own logo.  Thank you for your attention. General Manager, Luluk Rahmawati

Invitation Letter for Introducing New Staff

E-BUY COMPANY Depok, Indonesia, 16912 Phone : (062) 9943567 April 10,2017 Subject : Introducing New Staff Invitation To          : All staffs According to open recruitment that be held two months ago, we have got two new staffs as customer service and accountant. This is an accordance with all the company director, approval to invite you for knowing the new staff. The meeting will be held on : Date    :  April 17th, 2017 Time   : 10 A.M Venue : Meeting Room For this reason, I would like to ask for your presence on the meeting punctually. Thank you so much. Andika Yunandira, S.E General Manager